Update 6 February 2010 | Some modifications for LiPo!
Hey all! I just got my car ready for LiPo and the sundays training.
Tomorrow i will try rhis simple mod and see how it works on the track. As you might already know, my chassies wasnt meant for LiPo from the begining and it was made for 5 cell NiMh.
Here it is, the red spots are the modifications.
I did make a hole for the tape. The weights are for the lipo to stay were it is. The black things are cut NiMh holders. works like the lipo isnt going back and forth.
And tomorrow i am finally going to have my first training session for a while. Long time i drove and i cant really wait any longer
And also tomorrow i will try to film a little driving from me. Hopefully i am as good as i was before haha.
Until then, See ya on the track!
Update 31 January 2010| ETS Series Final day and big drama!
Hey all!
ETS round 3 has ended! It might not come as a schock but Marc Rheinhard took a win again! This guy is absoloutly amazing. He have won so much the latest 2-3 years its almost crazy.
And Viktor Wilck as second! Congrats mu fellow countryman! To bad you lost your ETS series lead.
The Tamiya TRF Team had a hard time with the setup in qualifying and they got it right for the finals, as Marc taking victory in Leg 1 and 2 and winning ETS round 3. But Viktor had to wait until Leg 3 to make the top 2 in the totalt results. Juho Levanen ,also a Scandinavian, made it to the third place.
The other scandinavians ended Steen Graversen 6th and adrian Berntsen 11th place. A good day for the scandinavians with good results!
But there was a big drama this weekend! As C-Final with current 1/10 Nitro Touring World Champion Daniele Lelasi was competing in there was a big leak in the roof.
The snow was so heavy(or something like that) and it started leaking threw the roof. as the track got wet, they had to change the tracklayout and continue the race with adding some extra minutes training so the drivers could adjust to the new layout.
And in Super stock Alexander Stocker had to leave his second spot becuse his daughter got ill, and they went home. To bad tho, he had a chance to win it all.
And thats all for now. Next ETS series is 5-7 March. and before that the Euros Indoor in Finland is coming up! In February
Video Leg 1 Pro Stock: HERE
Video Leg 1 Modified : HERE
Until then, Have a nice day!
Update 29 January 2010| Snowbirds report by Rcracing.tv
Here is a small clip from rcracing´s visit in U.S at the Snowbirds, one of the largest events in rc. Enjoy!
Update 29 January 2010| ETS Series in Czech Republic
Hey all!
Day one at the 3 round of ETS Series is starting to end. They all did some practice and end the day with qualifying.
There is also a really big race in the U.S this week and its SnowBirds. A very big event. But i decided to report the ETS series race.
Today at the end of the day, Marc Rheinhard the World and European champion sets todays pace at qualifying, followed by Viktor Wilck(swedish) and Juho Levanen(finnish).
Seems like Viktor got his car running good again after his horrible DHI CUP 2010 race in the begining of the year.
But beware, there is a really fast guy at ETS that outpaces the world champion big time! he was only 1 second from doing the only 17 lap in 5 minutes. to bad he had a crash on lap 14.
There is also a world champs fight going on with 1:10 NT world champion Daniele Lelasi and Marc Rheinhard. I wonder how this is gonna go. maybe he is as fast as rheinhard? We will see!
We can also say shortly that the Scandinavian people is really showing of in the Modified class with Viktor Wilck in 2nd, Juho Levanen in 3rd, Adrian Berntsen 9th(norway) and Steen Graversen in 10th(denamrk).
I am proud to be Scandinavian second 2006.
Here is the big awesome track. The lap record in modified right now is at 18,460 made by Hamak Zdenek, i think he is a local driver.
More tomorrow!
Update 23 January 2010| F1 Race! Woot!?
Today i went to Wäxjö MS to get an good impression of the track and watch some F1 Racing. Today they had a test event for a new class with F1 cars like Tamiya F109, 3Racing F1 and so on.
There where some tough racing, but also some hardcore passings hehe. Some seemed to be new to R/C but i dont really know. The class runs with LiPo and 17,5T motors. You can also have brushed motors and Nimh, but LiPo is better.
In this class there is a obligatory Pit-Stop where you have to stop within 2 minutes. If you have less then 2 minutes Pit-Stop you get a 30 second penalty thats about 3 laps on this track. Now, the rules are not set yet and we are just testing some out.The final is 20 Minutes and basically 18 minutes, becuse you stand still during the Pit Stop.
I also got some stuff from my friend including LiPo, Motor, LiPo safety bag and some spare parts for my touring car. So i am pretty much good to go. i just need my receiver, transponder and my licens now! So very soon i will put up a video of my first training session after 7 months waiting!
I took some pictures today.
Niclas Nilsson, Winner of the day! congrats!
Håkan with his very nice looking Ferrari Replica.
This picture is taken during a Pit-Stop. They decided to charge the LiPo and hopefully they didnt run out of power.
The phone was taking the time so they wouldnt go out on the track before 2 minutes!
I had a good time and talk and just be social. So have a nice day and until next time folks!
Update 21 January 2010 | A really big reward!
Hey all! i saw this recently and i just say, WOW!
O’Donnell Racing has just announced what they claim is one of the biggest contingency programs ever to hit the R/C industry. Drivers will have the chance to share in up to $120,000 in total prize money by using O’Donnell Racing Fuel, and finishing ‘in the money’ in select regional and national events. And it’s a program with a twist, every payout for ‘Joe Racer’ is bigger than the one a team driver would get. There are cash prizes for the top six A-Main finishers in select national and regional races. More cash prizes for first-place finishers in R/C Pro Series A-Mains including the Intermediate, Open and Pro classes. Cash bonuses for taking TQ in every one and more cash bonuses for winning ROAR and R/C Pro national championships.
To bad i cant join it if i understand it right. i have to race Nitro and basically live in the U.S to get the prize money. Damn “U.S only” rules
Why not IFMAR or something else? anyway, it will probalby make it way over here too i hope.
//Andre “63″
Update 21 January 2010
Hello all!
this week the blog/website went straight up in the air! I got so many hits this week and i am glad people reads my stupid comments haha. i cant tell you exactly how many that reads, but they are MANY. So thanks to all of you and hopefully you enjoy it aswell.
at the moment in my Racing i am hopefully going to take my time and visit a F1 pancar race in Växjö. They are having a race there and i will get some new stuff from a friend.
And i am gonna check out the track i am gonna practice some on. They have changed the layout a little so i am pretty excited to see how it looks like. I also got my soldering equipment from the postman “Teddy Dude”.
So i am good to go. The only thing that really misses is my receiver and my transponder haha. Still att my dads place. WHY!? I forgot them there………
Update 19 january 2010
Finally some stuff confirmed. I am gonna order some stuff for my car and hopefully i can drive again after 6 months waiting. I cant wait and i really want to start my training again so i really can become the best some day. thats my goal. with some bad luck the past seasons ive been racing, i hope those have finnaly ended. Now its serious and i have to get some good results more cosistently.
More training and more races is hopefully here very soon so i can see what i go for.
Nothing more have happend here really, just i orderd a LiPo Charger and some soldering equippment. I will also order LiPo cells, servo, motor. So be updated about that! See you!
Update 15 January 2010
Hello all again!
like some of you already seen there is a big hype about one new car. Here is the picture and i will let you guess.
if you know it, you are ahead of those that dont!
Yes! It´s the Schumacher Cougar SV 2wd Buggy!
I gotta say, the picture is yummy! I like it and it tells me to buy it. And i really want to!
This is the latest from Schumacher i guess and some people says it has some different solutions for the motor, servo and battery locations. i dont really know myself but thats what i heard.
I myself is very curious about the electric buggy classes and i am probably gonna buy one to race with. I know the class is growing pretty fast in Sweden(Where i live).
Here is also a convincing video about how good it might be?
and come back for more blog, news and Swedish Racing News!
Update 12 Januari 2010.
Hej alla!
Jag ska testa med engelska igen så enjoy
I have checked out some stuff for my touring car and i came to a conclusion that i should be able to start training again late january or february YYEESSSS!!! Finally!
I will probably start my training at Wäxjö MS indoor track for the start of my precious training i need to be better then i am. I have only trained about 20 times the last 2 years so more training is the way to go here.
what i need now is: More sponsors, Lipo power, new steering servo, 5,5 motor, tire additive, my receiver that are at my fathers place in Staffanstorp :C and a little LUCK that i dont wreck my car the first training session. haha
Have a nice day!
// Andre
Update 10 Januari 2010! DHI CUP 2010 avklarat! Swedish Translate
Ja, då var det slut för dem som deltog i det roliga. Med bra resultat från sverige sida så är vi nöjda. TommÖ Som tog andra platsen i Super Stock. visserligen tyckte jag det var fel att dem räknade tiderna bara, för annars hade tommö vunnit då han hade bättre resultat i alla 3 heaten.
Även grattis till Hagberg som tog sig till A final. tyvärr så var det ingen super snabb hagberg som kunde fightas om pallen, men det kommer fler gånger.
Viktor wilck hade en av sina sämre dagar, han hade väldans oflyt och verkar inte som bilen gick alls som han ville?
Magnus Vässmar och Niclas nilsson, måste säga det är årets bästa klättring. förra året var vässmar i B final, men han slogs inte om B final vinsten som han gjorde i år. bra jobbat! Niclas hade ett bra kval och kunde kört b finalen, men hans tid räckte precis inte till. så han hamnade i C finalen, otur Niclas. Men nästa år så borde du kunna ta åtminstone b finalen?
Grattis TommÖ för ett lyckat DHI CUP evengemang igen och hoppas bästa lycka nästa år med för dig och alla andra svenskar.
jag såg många var på hugget och kan säga vi har blivit snabbare, helt klart. men lilla oturen förföljde och det blev inte som tänkt för alla.
fr.v Christer Andersson ,mitten, Ronald Völker ,fr.h, Marc Reinhard. pallen Modified klassen.
Bild lånad av redrc.net
MvH Andre
Update 9 Januari 2010 DHI CUP 2010! Sweidish Translate!
Då var det dags igen med en av årets höjdpunkter i el touring. som en del av mina läsare vet så deltog jag i DHI CUP 2009 med väldigt dålig erfarenhet och en kass bil. Tyvärr så kunde jag inte delta i år, men kanske nästa år.
Det var stor glädje förra året med Alexander Hagberg som kvalade etta och hamnade tvåa på pallen 2009 i modified klassen. Och TommÖ Bergfeldt som tog hem allt rakt igenom. Svensk dominans kort sagt.
Och självklart hoppas vi på en repris i år!
Det ser bra ut i år också med 2 kval gjorda i Stock klassen så ligger Tommö på tredje plats totalt. Men han sa till redrc.net att bilen understyrde och då kan man inte få tillräckligt med kurvhastighet. Alla svenskar och kompisar hoppas han lyckas få till bilen innan det är försent. GOO TOMMÖ!!!
Vi har även andra duktiga svenskar i topp i stock som Carl Rönnbäck(min rival), Per Erik Nordman och Ola Westholm som jobbar för få till ett super kval då han inte ligger så bra till just nu.
Efter 2 kval i modified har vi bra med svenskar också. Vi har Alexander Hagberg, Viktor Wilck, Magnus Vässmar och Niclas Nilsson följt av andra snabba svenskar som är verkligen på hugget.
Alexander Hagberg 7:a, Viktor Wilck 6:a, Magnus Vässmar 10:a, Niclas Nilsson 17. Mycket bra gjort grabbar och göra topp 17 efter 2 kval. Imponerande!
Jag och många andra hoppas på många svenskar i A final, det vore ultimat. Jag kommer ihåg förra årets jubel på läktarna när Hagberg och TommÖ Vann final heat!
Mer har jag inte att skriva just nu. Så återkommer säkert med mer senare idag eller imorgon!
Bild lånad från Redrc.net
MvH RC Skrivaren //
Update 5 januari 2010!Swedish Translate!
Ja! Då var första inlägget för 2010 gjort!
Och som lovat skulle jag komma med lite mer info angående min fortsatta inomhus körning. Och ja! Det kommer bli så fort jag lagt en order på LiPo utrustning!
Jag hoppas kunna delta i SSIC finalen i Malmö. Det är den enda jag prickat in än sålänge. dem andra vet jag inte om jag kan köra.
Se kolla in snart igen på bloggen så kommer det skrivas lite!
MvH Andre// Spöket……………………….BUH!
Update 17 December 2009!Swedish Translate!
Hej alla! Eftersom jag tänkte starta bloggen lite mer igen efter dåligt med göra. Så tänkte jag kunde skriva om lite andra händelser.
Forza Motorsport 3. Jag kör en liten serie kallat RTCC. Det ska likna STCC i reglementet. Jag körde detta och det var kul. vi är ca 20 man i serien vid första tävlingen.
Körde första deltävling förra veckan på torsdagen. Jag kvalade både etta och vann heaten. full seger.
Ikväll är det deltävling 2 och jag hoppas jag kan vinna den med. Jag kör detta medans jag väntar på få köra med min touring bil. det ger bra träning både för nerver, tävlingslusten och koncentrationen.
Lusse racet gick i helgen och grattis till Alex Hagberg som vann, med Niclas Nilsson efter sig. inte minst Daniel Carlsson som kämpat på bra och tagit sig till toppen i SSIC.
Här är en liten filmsnutt från Mod A-Final.
//MvH Andre Ö
Update 8 May 2009| Valentino Rossi Find his way to RC!
Yes! Finally have one of the best drivers and talents in motosport found this great sport, Valentino “The Doctor” Rossi.
I found this unbelivable surprising news on Redrc.ne. Great news!
Rossi have visited a track called Riccione Raceway in Italy. According to the news he have visited this track before and tryed out some RC. And now he´s back to pay another visit at the track after his great win in Spain on Jerez Race track. That he also won with a big smile on his face.
thats what you expect of a master like him Those that dont know, Rossi is a MotoGP racer and have won 9 Worlds Championships in his international career!
Valentino Rossi
What makes me exicted is that he have got his bodyshell painted like his legendary helmet art. To bad you cant steal his design on that thing, i wouldn´t say no. hehe.
No one knows at the moment if he is going to continue with this sport or not. But he got really boog help and suipport, the former European winner and vice World Champion is by his side!
Seems like Valentino is having a great time and he look interested to continue the racing.
As long it´s fun, But if he continues later or sooner the little racing monster will grow out of him and he will do races and maybe bigger races?
A real legend is looking for something new?
MvH André Östlund
More about Rossi´s driving, pictures and videos can be found Here.
Dont forget the guestbook before you leave!
[Via http://andrefossto.wordpress.com]
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